GraphQL Schema Design Pt 2

lists and pagination

most schemas will expose list type fields

type Product {
    variants: [ProductVariant!]!

this could turn out to be less than ideal down the line

the variants field provides no control to th e client regarding how many items that will be returned, all will be returned every time

this could potentially lead to fields having to be removed due to performance issues on the backend or clients that need to do their own filtering (wasting lots of data if they only want to display the first few items in the UI)

for the reason above, pagination is almost always an essential component of a good API

the idea behind it is to break up large datasets into “pages” (letting the client get parts of the data instead of sending too much data across the wire)

pagination provides a great experience for clients and servers

in graphql pagination is done in many ways, two common approaches are below

offset pagination

most widely used technique

clients are in control of how many items they are interested in receiving (an offset or page parameter helps move across a paginated list)

in a http api it might look like: GET /products?limit=250&page=3

in graphql it might look like:

type Query {
    products(limit: Int!, page: Int!): [Product!]!

this pagination works well for a few reasons

however, as api providers grow, this might cause some issues: database performance

try to imagine the database query would look like to fufill the products field

SELECT * FROM products
WHERE user_id = %user_id

queries like this do not scale well with large datasets

when the offset parameter grows the database implementation needs to read all rows up until this number to get that offset, but it has no need for the rows it just read and will return offset + limit to the user

inconsistent results

any changes to the list while a client is paginating can modify the items returned to the page requested by the client

due to these reasons, a lot of api providers move to another style of pagination, cursor-based

cursor pagination

a cursor is a stable identifier that points to an item on a list

clients can use the cursor to instruct the api to give them a number of results before or after the cursor

type Query {
    products(limit: Int!, after: String): [Product!]!

the concept of pages does not exist in cursor pagination

the client only knows about the next or previous few items

the client would not know what page they are on, and they can not skip to a page

the performance downsides that came with offset pagination are not eliminated because you can use the cursor to fetch results

SELECT * FROM products
WHERE user_id = %user_id
AND id > 15

in cursor pagination the server always provides what the next cursor is in some way or another

this allows the clients to request the next few elements

  "data": {
    "products": {
      "next": "def456",
      "items": [{}, {}, {}]

the client would take the next cursor and use it to fetch the next 10 items

query {
    products(first: 10, after: "def456") {
        items {

unless you need the ability to skip ahead to different pages, cursor pagination is a good choice for graphql apis

most graphql apis today use cursor-based pagination

relay connections

relay calls paginated lists connections

query for a connection field

query {
    products(first: 10, after: "abc123") {
        edges {
            node {
        pageInfo {

connections return a connection type, this type exposes two fields: edges and pageInfo

the edges field contains the data you requested

the pageInfo field contains the metadata about the pagination itself

the edges field does not return the items immediately but instead returns an edge type with extra connection metadata for that item

this is how you determine the cursor of each item in the list

the node field on the list of edges contains the data you are looking for, in this case, products

the result of the query above will look like this

  "data": {
    "products": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpHOAA28Nw==",
          "node": {
            "name": "Production Ready GraphQL Book"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpHOAA28Nw==",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": false

the client would take the endCursor in the pageInfo metadata and use it to get the next items after what you have already fetched

the schema would look like this

type ProductConnection {
    edges: [ProductEdge]
    pageInfo: PageInfo!

type ProductEdge {
    cursor: String!
    node: Product!

type PageInfo {
    endCursor: String
    hasNextPage: Boolean!
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
    startCursor: String

type Product {
    name: String!

the connection pattern comes with certain overhead for clients but it is very useful when designing more complex scenarios

the github api uses connection edges to encode data about the relationship rather than the item itself

in this example the Team.members connection and edges have the role of a user in that team of the edge type rather than the User type itself

type TeamMemberEdge {
    cursor: String!
    node: User!
    role: TeamMemberRole!

the connection pattern does require cursor-based pagination

even if you are using offset based pagination, edge types are still a good idea

using the underlying type directly in a list type is rarely what you want, some fields are specific to a type’s membership in a collection

custom connection fields

providers often provide a few fields along with connection and edge types

clients often find the edges { node } syntax overly verbose

some providers will offer this without the edges part and get all nodes directly

you get the benefits of paginated lists without the verbosity of the edges pattern

query {
    products(first: 100) {
        nodes {

if you want to implement this helper field, you need to ensure that you provide both options

the egde pattern provides a lot of advantages when it comes to designing relationships

another commonly added field to connections is a totalCount field, this allows clients to request the total amount of nodes (before pagination) in the list

avoid using this by default; however, as computing a totalCount on large sets can be very slow

another thing to consider is that once it is implemented it can be very hard to remove or maintain if performance issues are a reality

pagination summary